Sponsor Comference

What is Comference?

We started Comference last year as an online conference because we couldn't sit still after cancelling WeCamp. The idea was to organize an online conference aimed at the tech world, but with subjects that go beyond just tech. Last year we had speakers talking about subjects such as diversity, clean language, mental and physical health, testing, open source and ethics.

October 14-15, 2021

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Why we need sponsors

With Comference we try to provide an online conference that is accessible to as many people as possible. This is why we decided that Comference is free for visitors and the stream does not need an account or payment to watch. This year, we extend the accessibility to our speakers. We realize that not everyone is in a situation to put in all the work for free. While we can not pay a full salary for the work speakers put into their talk, we can at least offer a compensation for their work.

Of course the technical setup for hosting an online conference also costs some money. We invested heavily into our technical setup last year which helps lower the cost for this year, but there will be some cost involved. Same goes for things like marketing and promotion.


Can't wait or want to join the discussions during Comference?

How you can help

Just like last year, we're keeping the sponsor packages simple. We have two sponsor packages available:


A gold sponsor gets the most exposure. You get your logo (including a link to your website) on the Comference website and in the Comference newsletter as well as on our social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), and get a shout out as being a gold sponsor during the event. Cost: € 500 (excl. VAT)


A silver sponsor gets exposure, just a little less than the gold package. You get your logo (including a link to your website) on the Comference website. We will mention you in our social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) and you'll get a shout out as a silver sponsor during the event. Cost: € 250 (excl. VAT)


If you have specific ideas for sponsoring Comference then please get in touch with Stefan Koopmanschap. We are always open to custom packages that fit in with the theme and the character of Comference.


Get in touch! stefan@ingewikkeld.net.


Can't wait or want to join the discussions during Comference?